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single mom with children in Wyoming on trail



The mission of The McKenzie Home is to provide single mothers with a home, and a program with access to resources, skills, and support needed to enable them to become successful parents and contributing members of their communities. 

Women who find themselves as a single parent often fall between the cracks in our society, with little support or help to become strong and independent. Many times, they will turn to unhealthy alternatives, putting themselves and their children in jeopardy. The McKenzie Home gives them a safe place to live, while providing that essential support toward a healthy, productive life. 


Born of a single mom, and adopted into a loving family, McKenzie was a warm and fun-loving little girl. At the age of five, she lost her fight against childhood cancer. While visiting McKenzie's memorial site in Green River, Wyoming, her grandmother Debra Moerke felt drawn to a nearby historical elementary school. After the building was gutted by a fire, Moerke was given a vision to bring the landmark back to life by restoring a community treasure and creating a transitional home for single moms in need of a new start. 


The McKenzie Home enjoys the support and expertise of a Board of Directors, an Extension of the Board housed in Green River, and Advisory Board. Meet them here.

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